We have all had honey that is ‘crystallizing’ and it has a ‘gritty’ feel to it. What we are feeling is the little granules starting to form when honey naturally granulates or hardens. It does not mean it is going bad. In fact, that is nature’s way of preserving its finest sweetener. Cox’s Honey has developed a method of taking that granulated honey and making it feel and taste wonderful! It is called Creamed Honey.
Creamed Honey is a controlled form of granulation. Essentially, Cox’s Honey takes liquid honey, accelerates the granulation process, run it through a mill to beat down all the granules, and packages it. A smooth texture and more robust taste is the result. It also turns white as the granules are crushed. There is absolutely nothing added or taken away. It is still our signature pure clover honey, taken one step further.
Creamed Honey is delicious to the taste. It can be more usable for spreads on toast, bagels, and sandwiches. It is ‘thicker’ and thus it does not run like your liquid honey does. It can be used for muffins and cornbread to give it that powerful sweet punch. And yes, it can still be used for baking and cooking. It is an excellent way for storing honey as it does not go back to being ‘gritty’. Keep it at 65oF or less and it will stay like that indefinitely.
Delicious Creamed Honey…another excellent product from your friends at Cox’s Honey.
Let us BEE your honey!
Products, Prices, and to Purchase our Famous Creamed Honey; Visit our Honey Store, Here.